All the articles I've posted.
How to clear form after submit in Remix
Updated: at 06:14 AMOptimize Remix form clearing with useActionData hook, HTMLFormElement's reset, and React's useRef, minimizing client-side logic
How to handle multiple form actions in Remix
Updated: at 06:13 AMAdd name="intent" and value="actionName" to the button that submits the form. In the action, use formData.get("intent") to learn which button was clicked.
How to test props in React Testing Library
Updated: at 06:15 AMSucceeding as a Software Developer: The Essential Mindset Shift
Published: at 08:05 AMEssential mindset shift for developers: adopt growth mindset, learn from advice, contribute to community for lasting success
Understanding Jest Snapshots: A Beginner's Guide to Snapshot Testing
Updated: at 05:14 AMGet started with Jest Snapshots: beginner's guide to snapshot testing, usage, updates, and other React component testing techniques
How to Test Props in React with Jest
Updated: at 04:16 PM